Refresh Investments

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Are Your Finances In Order For The Next Pandemic?

Can you answer yes to these 5 questions?

1) Do you have enough in a rainy day emergency fund?

2) Do you have a plan for financial independence and how you are going to get there?

3) Can your retirement assets recover from an unexpected and costly event? 

4) Do you understand what types and amounts of insurance you should have?

5) Do you have a will or an estate plan to provide for your loved ones?

If you didn’t answer yes to all of them, don’t worry you’re not alone.  Getting your finances in order can be overwhelming for some, and a task others have put off because they just don’t have the time to address it. Oftentimes it takes something major and unexpected, like the COVID-19 pandemic we are currently experiencing, to become acutely aware of our own financial situation and specifically the things we have overlooked.  

Working with an advisor to create your financial plan will give you clarity for your financial future, and enable you to say yes to those 5 questions above with confidence. At Refresh Investments we understand that living your best life begins with your relationship with your money. If having a plan is important to you, the steps to get started are easy and we’d love to share our unique process with you. Click below to schedule a call with us.

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